Sunday, March 14, 2010

Threadbanger Sewing Machine!

Hey all!

I entered a contest through to win a sewing machine. All I had to do to enter was to make a tutorial video on how to do something DIY and creative. See the entry video here.

The winner of the contest won a Janome TB12 sewing machine. Unfortunately, I came in 3rd in the contest. But don't cry for me. My awesome boss bought me the next best Janome Threadbanger machine, the TB 30, as my pilot bonus this year. YAY!

For my first project, I made a sleep mask. It seems an odd choice, but I needed it hardcore. I had one that my friend April bought for me, like Holly Golightly's in Breakfast at Tiffany's, but at some point in the moving process after the wedding, it wandered off and got lost. Ev likes to play videogames at night with his cousin or his friend D, and the light makes it hard to sleep. So? Headphones in, sleep mask on, snoring like a chainsaw... YEAH!!!! It's so cute! Red satin on one side, black and white polka dots on a red background on the other, with some fleece padding inside to help with keeping the light out.

I named her Rosie, after The Riveter. I liked her logo, "We Can Do It!" It inspires me to go after any project and make it happen, even if it turns out a little lopsided on the first try, like sleep mask v1.0.... let's just say... the elastic was on the wrong side.... the inside. :( I fixed it with the second attempt, but the hem near the nose part is still a little wonky because my seam allowance was a touch lacking.

Hey, at least it's functional! Not bad for my first try. :)

Hugs and kittens,

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